I am interpreting your post as a solicitation for advice. If I am incorrect, please ignore what follows.
What you seek is not some bundle of thoughts and beliefs. There is no magically collection of mystical beliefs that will lead you to lifelong happiness and freedom from suffering. What would be of much greater benefit to you would be a series of mental disciplines, call them spiritual practices, that will focus your attention and mind on that which uplifts you and provide you defense against the negative when it arise within you.
Do you have a regular practice for focusing your mind on what you are thankful for? If you don't, you will spend your time focusing on what you lack, and you will not be happy.
Do you have a mental discipline to help you negate anger when it arises within you? Anger is incredibly destructive, and if you don't squelch it when it arises, it will lay waste to your peace of mind. Plus, angry people die alone having driven away everyone who cares for them.
Do you have a mental discipline to deal with jealousy when it arises? Do you practice rejoicing in the accomplishments of others? Jealousy will destroy all your relationships if you don't contain it.
Do you have a practice to minimize your attachments? Have you contemplated death? You are gong to die.
The key to happiness and sustained peace of mind is not finding some religious belief system to take on like some magic shield that protects you from the world. Happiness comes from mental discpline and cultivating practices contrary to what the mind naturally wants to do.
There is a religion you may want to investigate because it's not really a religion, but a series of spiritual practices. Look up Lamrim practices from Tibetian Buddhism.