The behavior of monopolies inevitably sews the seeds of it's own destruction. Everyone eventually experiences the poor treatment and gets angry about it. Since monopolies abusing customers is never-ending, the anger building up against monopolies builds to a sea tide of discontent that motivates political action to remove the abuse.
For that reason, while I find monopolies repulsive monstrosities that manifest the worst aspects of the human heart, I have faith that they are ultimately self-destructive, and I don't have to worry that this sorry state of affairs will continue forever.
Secondarily, I also think being a monopoly once may make the future more difficult for those companies on a level playing field. For example, I used to like Amazon when their listings helped be find stuff. Now, I hate them because their listings are an attempt to gouge me, and I know it. While I may forgive Amazon in my heart, I will drop them like a bad habit and never return the moment a good competing substitute emerges. The residual resentment I carry toward their misbehavior will cripple them if there are enough other people like me who will forever tell them to go pound sand.