This is wonderful. I'm delighted that I have your full attention. My apologies if I have offended you in any way.
I believe after reading my post on pride and arrogance (you made if far enough to get the point), you see that we are both gifted. I already knew you were gifted. I've read many of your articles.
I also knew that you were on the Spectrum, but I wouldn't call you autistic. I have an autistic son, so I know autism. I would characterize you as a highly functioning with a touch of Aspergers Syndrome. You have emotional blocks typical of Aspergers, probably exacerbated by the horrific abuse you endured. That part of your story is very sad.
It's doubly sad that no one told you how special you are or praised you for your obvious gifts. You are obviously extremely talented, and while you don't acknowledge it, your writing comes straight from the heart unhindered by ego concerns. You are more pure than you know.
Now that we have established some baseline credibility with each other, I can share the post I really wanted you to read from the beginning. Now, you may be able to read it with an open mind and an open heart.
I want to give you what your environment failed to give you these 72 years. I can't wind the clock back 50 years and give you the life I give my son, but this posting is the next-best thing. It's my finest piece of writing, and it's intended to heal the wounds inflicted on the autistic heart.