We share a common ground. We both want to help people, but we go about it in different ways. I reach for people's hearts, and hope that filters back up to their mind. You reach for people's minds and hope that it filters down to their heart. Both methods work.
The short declarative sentences are intentional.
The frequent paragraph breaks are intentional.
In fact, i use both to create visual flow to the page, often arranging them into ascending and descending triangles.
The heart reasons like a 5-year old.
The heart can't hold ideas strung together in long sentences with many breaks and asides, additional phrases, and other devices used to construct long sentences that still retain enough grammar to follow them.
I can write long sentences.
I can emulate many writing styles.
My book, which I don't reveal because it would give away my identity, is a long semi-technical treatise full of complex sentences that were appropriate for the audience.
That style is good for reaching minds but poor at reaching hearts.
Love is simple.
I appreciate that you came back and added to your comment.
It tells me that I've reached you.
That's what I wanted.