You are seeking Truth as if Truth is some kind of elixir for unhappiness. It's not. There is no objective Truth out there waiting to be discovered. There is no Truth that upon its discovery will make you feel boundless joy and happiness. While purging the crazy lies from your mind has value, it doesn't carry the value of liberation. Buddhists practice purging themselves of delusions to reach a state where their minds are not burdened by lies, but once acheived, they don't exist in some state of eternal bliss that many imagine. They still feel sadness and pain, they just don't resist it and suffer because of it.
Truth is a function of your own mind. It needs to be grounded in reality, but there is still significant leeway in making it up. If there weren't we wouldn't have so many religions, each with it's own Truthful take on reality. As Camus noted, life is essentially meaningless, and we all struggle with imparting meaning to it in such a way that allows us to be happy.
Your quest to eliminate the lies is a noble one. It's as close as you will get to Truth. Once you believe you've found Truth, you've lost it. Once you realize you are making up your own Truth and that is good enough, you are probably as close as you can get to Nirvana.