You could make a similar graph showing where many of the world's religious belief systems fall. Some of them have a great deal of internal coherence while managing to avoid making statements about the external world which don't stand up. Some of them are riddled with internal contradiction and make statements about the external world that are easily debunked. If you made such a graph, you would see that the more ridiculous ones (the one near the origin point) are also the ones that exercise the most control over the believers. Without the control exerted by Church elders, people would abandon a Faith that requires them to believe nonsense.
When I first read the title of this post, my first thought was that most New Age ideas fall in the realm of pseudo-philosophy. When you listed Quantum Healing and The Secret, I agreed completely. Any commercially exploited New Age idea is semi-coherent bullshit designed to make people feel good. The better it makes them feel, the more likely it is to be embraced. Of course, established religions have the same dynamic, but the lasting ones generally have a greater degree of internal coherence, which is why they persist.
The danger here is labeling an area of thought as pseudo-philosophy when it may lead to a more fruitful answer. For example, your classification of String Theory rightly points out that there is zero evidence supporting it, but I think it's premature to stop working with the idea as it may still lead to deeper understandings of our universe. Either that, or it will lead to the denigration or abandonment of some of our concepts of elegance and beauty that's driving this research.